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Friday 28 February 2014

SQL Server 2008 Error: Rule Windows Power shell Failed

Windows power shell is not installed. To Continue, please install Windows Power Shell. 

While installation of the SQL Server 2008, in rule check result will get below error message.

Windows power shell is not installed, to continue, please install windows power shell

Resolution :

Kindly Download and installed Windows Power shell 1.0 for XP 
Or direct Link : Windows Power shell 1.0 for XP 

Make Sure that the hot fix Name is : WindowsXP-KB926139-v2-x86-ENU.exe

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Internet Explorer error - Please wait while scripts are loaded

While opening any sites in the Internet Explorer it gets hang, and showing Error – please wait while scripts are loaded.


Follow Below Steps to get the solution step by step:
Option -1
Kindly remove updated (Version- 12 if Installed) flash player and install above mentioned version only. Your issue will be resolved. installed flash Player ActiveX 11.9.900.170

Option -2
Reset your browser internet security settings as default.

Open Internet Explorer: 
     Click on Tools and select Internet Options
     Click on the Security tab
     Click on the internet icon (the picture of the globe)
     Click on the Custom level... button
     Click on the Reset... button
     Click on the OK button
     Close all of your Internet Explorer windows, and then reopen Internet Explorer.

Option -3
Reset complete browser settings as default.

Open Internet Explorer: 
     Click on Tools and select Internet Options
     Click on the Advanced tab
     Click on the Reset (Below in reset internet Explorer settings option )
     Click on the Delete personal settings
     Click on the Reset... button
     Click on the OK button & Restart the Browser

Monday 24 February 2014

How to Automate Windows Diskpart Commands in a Script

The Windows diskpart command can be Automated using "txt" file, To automate diskpart utility, you need to create a text file with all required diskpart commands.

Where we use: 
  • we can use this on local machine but diskpart.txt can be on remote machine (Mapped Network Drive)
  • we can use this while installation of OS using Installation Media OR WDS PXE Boot.
  • we can use on local machine but can be apply on new addtional HDD (disk1)

Here we are going to create a batch file to call diskpart commands using .txt file located on Local or Remote Machine
  1. Steps to create ".txt" file for diskpart commands
  • Open Notepad > copy all below mentioned commands and save as a "diskpart.txt"
list disk
select disk 0
create partition primary size=12000
list partition
select partition 1
format fs=ntfs quick
assign letter=c
list partition

     2. Steps to run diskpart.txt file using command
  • Open Command Prompt and type below command to call txt file (If you are using PXE Boot then press shift + F10 to open command prompt)
  • copy diskpart.txt either Local Machine OR Remote Machine (mount Network Dive using command)
Command :  diskpart /s z:\diskpart.txt

Searches Related Links: 
How to create diskpart batch file
batch file for diskpart commands
how to create recovery partition using diskpart commands
windows recovery partition automated batch file
batch file for auto mount and format the disk drive
how to format disk drive using diskpart batch file
diskpart batch file to create recovery partition in windows
how to create disk partition using batch file

Sunday 23 February 2014

Windows Activation Error Code 0x80070422

IF You Face Windows Activation related issue with the following error code the please check below settings to resolve the issue..

  • Open "Services" using > run > services.msc
  • Check "Software Protection" service (it might be a Disabled)
  • Set Start up Type as "Automatically" and Start/Restart the services
The issue will be resolve after this..
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Error running wizard or importing, appending or linking files in Access 2010: Access can't start this wizard

Microsoft Office Access wizard error while Running importing the files

When you run any wizard or attempt to import, append, or link a file in Microsoft Access 2010, you receive an error as below:
MS Access:
The wizard you've requested is not installed or is in a bad state. Please install or reinstall the wizard. If you do not have permissions to do this on your computer, please contact your help desk representative."
While installation of MS Office 2010 some of Access components are not selected by default, it might be "Not Available"
1. Close all Office Programs if open
2. Open Control Panel
3. Open Add/Remove Programs or Programs and Features
4. Right click on MS Office 2010 and click on change
5. Select Add or Remove Features
6. Select Drop Down of Microsoft Office and "Run All From My Computer"
7. Click Continue and Wait to complete the installation & Restart the computer
Reinstalled the MS Office Using customize option and select all Features
Searches Related Links:

Office 2010 unable to install on windows server 2003 SP2 x64Bit- MSXML 6.10.1129.0 required

Office 2010 - MSXML 6.10.1129.0 required

Facing issue to installation of Office 2010 with windows server 2003 SP2 x64Bit Operating system.
  • Windows server 2003 x64 Bit SP doesn't support MS Office 2010 x64Bit
  • Need to install MS Office 2010 x32 Bit but it required MSXML 6.10.1129.0
Download MSXML 6.0 and upgraded SP patch of MSXML 6.10.1129.0 and install one by one.

And then install MS Office 2010 x32Bit Only. (Office2010 x32 Bit is only compatible on windows server 2003 x64Bit)
Download link :
MSXML 6.0 x32Bit & x64Bit

Searches Related Links:
unable to install office 2010 on windows server 2003 x64bit
MS Office installation on windows server 2003
MSXML 6.10.1129.0 required for installation of MS Office 2010
ms office 2010 x64 bit unable to install on windows server 2003 x64bit
Office 2010 + windows server 2003 + compatible issue

How to find motherboard serial number using command prompt

Get the Serial number using command prompt.

First Open Command Prompt using Start > Run > cmd   Hit ENTER
  • wmic
  • bios get serialnumber
Now you will get the serial number for the motherboard

Step to create batch file for to get the BIOS or Mother Board Serial Number.

Open Notepad > and copy below commands and save file as serial.bat

@ echo off
color 02
wmic bios get serialnumber


Searches Related Links:
how to find BIOS Serial No
how to get mother board serial no using command prompt
how to find mother board serial no
how to find machine serial number from command prompt
get serial number of motherboard
how to find serial number of mother board using command prompt 

Hide Task Manager Tabs in windows

How to resolve task manager issue in windows

Issue :" Task manager tabs are hide and showing empty screen or like full screen

Resolution :
Double click on the any Gray Empty space on the "Windows Task Manager" window to get the all tabs enable again.

Searches Related Links:

How to reset winsock, Windows Socket in windows

Steps to Reset Winsock by using command prompt in windows.

Start > Run > cmd  and Hit ENTER To open command prompt window
Enter below commands one by one and HIT ENTER 

The windows winsock successfully reset.

Step 2 create batch file to reset winsock 

Open Notepad > copy all below commands and save the file as a winsock.bat (You need to remove ".txt "ext. and assign ".bat" )
Note : You must copy all the commands starting from the "@echo off" to "exit" in the batch file

@echo off

color 1F
@echo off

echo             Most of the Internet connectivity problems arise out 
echo              of corrupt Winsock settings. Windows sockets settings
echo                 may get corrupted due to the installation of 
echo              a networking software, or perhaps due to Malware 
echo            infestation. You will be able connect to the Internet,
echo             but the packets won't transfer back and forth. And     
echo              errors such as Page cannot be displayed may occur 
echo           when using Internet Explorer. This tool will reset your
echo             Winsock and repair your internet connection.
echo           These changes will not take effect untill you reboot.
echo         Press Y then ENTER to begin or If you prefer NOT to reset it.
echo                 Press N then ENTER to close this program.
echo                  When complete your system will reboot.

@echo off
set /p choice=Select Y or N:
set choice=%choice:~0,1%
if "%choice%"=="y" goto repairws
if "%choice%"=="Y" goto repairws
if "%choice%"=="n" goto end
if "%choice%"=="N" goto end
echo invalid choice
GOTO choice1

netsh int ip reset resetlog.txt
shutdown -r

Searches Related Links:
Reset winsock
how to repair and reset the windows
how to repair internet connection
how to corrupt windows files
how to reset winsock in windows 7

Saturday 22 February 2014

Making Batch File to copy files over the network and automatically zipped with current Date

How to create Batch file for copy backup over the network and zipped using 7Zip Utilities

How it is work :"
  • Batch file can be copy Data / backup over the network.
  • Backed up files/folders automatically zipped using 7Zip Utility and save with the current date format.
  • unzipped files will be delete automatically.
Procedure to create batch file :

Download 7Zip Utility ( it is using for zip - UN-zip the files and folder) from the Internet and extract or install on your local system.
Copy 7z.exe from the 7zip

  1. Open Notepad > Copy Below all commands mark in Red in the notepad and save it as a .bat
  2. Copy 7z.exe in "C:\Windows\System32"
Note : IF you Extract the "7zip.exe" then u will find the "7z.exe" in extracted folder OR if you installed 7zip in your local system then "7z.exe" will be available at C:\Program Files\7-Zip)

 1) Batch File for Local Machine Backup :

@Echo off
color 02
xcopy C:\SourceFolderName\*.* D:\FolderName\*.* /e /h /r /y

7z a -tzip D:\DestinationFolderName\FileBackup.zip "D:\DestinationFolderName\FileBackup.bkf"

rename "D:\DestinationFolderName\FileBackup.zip" 
del C:\SourceFolderName\FileBackup.bkf

del D:\DestinationFolderName\FileBackup.bkf

Here we Copied "FileBackup.bkf" file from Local "C" Drive to Local Machine "D:\Destination FolderName\FileBackup.bkf" and make a zipped copy for the same file using 7Zip "FileBackup.zip" and rename the "FileBackup.zip" as current Date Format Like "2-22-2014.zip"

  2) Batch File for Remote Machine to Local Backup :

@Echo off
color 02
xcopy \\IP address of Remote Machine\FolderName\*.* D:\Destination FolderName\*.* /e /h /r /y

7z a -tzip D:\Destination FolderName\FileBackup.zip "D:\Destination FolderName\FileBackup.bkf"

rename "D:\Destination FolderName\FileBackup.zip"

del D:\Destination FolderName\FileBackup.bkf

del \\IP address of Remote Machine\FolderName\FileBackup.bkf

Here we Copied "FileBackup.bkf" file from Remote Machine to Local Machine "D:\Destination FolderName\FileBackup.bkf" and make a zipped copy for the same file using 7Zip "FileBackup.zip" and rename the "FileBackup.zip" as current Date Format Like "2-22-2014.zip" 

Searches Related Links:
How to create Batch File for copying file from one computer to another computer 
batch file to copy files from one folder to another folder 
how to create batch file to auto zip files using 7zip  
How to Backup Using Batch File 
How to Auto Zipping files using Batch file 
making batch file asking enter date to copy from network 
Zipped files using batch files 
batch file to copy files and convert in zip with current Date 
batch file to copy files and convert with current date format 

Sunday 16 February 2014

Unable to start SQL Server Reporting Services

Not starting the "SQL Server Reporting Services (SCE)" service  

If you Face such kind of issue then please follow below seteps to resolve the same.

  1. Open registry editor using Start Menu > Run > regedit > OK
  2. Locate below Registry Key
     3. At the right pane, check ServicesPipeTimeout entry.
( If the ServicesPipeTimeout entry does not exist then you must create it
Right Click and create new DWORD Value.and type ServicesPipeTimeout and click  OK
     4. Modify "ServicesPipeTimeout" and set Decimal Value > "60000" > OK
     5. System Must to Restart after this.

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An Exception occurred while executing Transact-SQL statement or batch

An Exception occurred while executing Transact-SQL statement or batch ( SQL 2008 R2 )

Error as below :
Microsoft SQL Server Management studio
An Exception occurred while executing Transact-SQL statement or batch. (Microsoft.SqlServer.ConnectionInfo)
Additional Information : A transport-level error has occurred when receiving results from the server. (provider:TCP Provider, error:0 - The specified network name is no longer available.) (Microsoft SQL Server, Error:64)

Cause : Due to Local admin privileges above Batch query gives an error to fire

Solution : Set Current user account UAC low & provide full administrator access to the logged user and try to connect remote database with "Run As Administrator"

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Outlook 2013 get hangs again and again

If you face such scenario where Microsoft office has been hang again n again. then please follow below procedure without wasting time:

  • First open any Office 2013 program. For example open Word 2013. It'll open in new Start screen mode. Click on "Blank document" option.
  • Now click on "File" menu present in the ribbon and then click on "Options" link given at the end of the left-sidebar.
  • It'll open Options window. Click on "Advanced" tab and scroll down a little.
  • Look for following options in "Display" section enable the below option :
  • Disable hardware graphics acceleration
Also You can also turn this setting off in the registry at:
DWORD: DisableHardwareAcceleration
Set the value to “1″ to turn this off.