While sysprep the windows 7 and above operating system, its throwing an error: A Fatal error has occurred while trying to sysprep the machine..
Steps to resolve this: ( Make sure to do this one by one before you run the sysprep )
- Open registry using command - Go to Run > type command regedit > OK
- Navigate the below registry Key and edit accordingly
- HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\SoftwareProtectinPlatform\SkipRearm to 1 ( Edit the value of SkipRearm from 0 to 1 )
- HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\Setup\Status\SysprepStatus ( Edit Value of GeneralizationState as 7 )
- Delete the "Panther" Folder from C:\Windows\System32\sysprep
If Not Then Reinstall the OS ( The SkipRearm can possible only three Sysprep on OS )
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A fatal error occurred while trying to Sysprep the machine
An error message occurs when you run "Sysprep /generalize" in Windows Vista or Windows 7
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Sysprep fails during customization with the error: A fatal error occurred while trying to sysprep the machine
fix sysprep windows 7 a fatal error occurred while trying to sysprep the machine
sysprep 3.14 a fatal error occurred
system preparation tool 3.14 a fatal error
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