How to create Batch file for copy backup over the network and zipped using 7Zip Utilities
How it is work :"- Batch file can be copy Data / backup over the network.
- Backed up files/folders automatically zipped using 7Zip Utility and save with the current date format.
- unzipped files will be delete automatically.
Download 7Zip Utility ( it is using for zip - UN-zip the files and folder) from the Internet and extract or install on your local system.
Copy 7z.exe from the 7zip
- Open Notepad > Copy Below all commands mark in Red in the notepad and save it as a .bat
- Copy 7z.exe in "C:\Windows\System32"
1) Batch File for Local Machine Backup :
@Echo off
color 02
xcopy C:\SourceFolderName\*.* D:\FolderName\*.* /e
/h /r /y
7z a -tzip D:\DestinationFolderName\
del C:\SourceFolderName\FileBackup.bkf
del D:\DestinationFolderName\FileBackup.bkf
Here we Copied "FileBackup.bkf" file from Local "C" Drive to Local Machine "D:\Destination FolderName\FileBackup.bkf" and make a zipped copy for the same file using 7Zip "" and rename the "" as current Date Format Like ""
2) Batch File for Remote Machine to Local Backup :
@Echo off
color 02
xcopy \\IP address of Remote Machine\FolderName\*.* D:\Destination FolderName\*.* /e
/h /r /y
7z a -tzip D:\Destination FolderName\
"D:\Destination FolderName\FileBackup.bkf"
"D:\Destination FolderName\"
del D:\Destination FolderName\FileBackup.bkf
del \\IP address of Remote Machine\FolderName\FileBackup.bkf
Here we Copied "FileBackup.bkf" file from Remote Machine to Local Machine "D:\Destination FolderName\FileBackup.bkf" and make a zipped copy for the same file using 7Zip "" and rename the "" as current Date Format Like ""
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How to create Batch File for copying file from one computer to another computer
batch file to copy files from one folder to another folder
how to create batch file to auto zip files using 7zip
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